Energetic efficiency of automobiles and methods of assessment

  • Podrigalo M. A. Харьковский национальный автомобильно – дорожный университет
  • Tarasov Yu. V. Харьковский национальный автомобильно – дорожный университет
  • Shekin V. S. Харьковский национальный автомобильно – дорожный университет
  • Radchenko I. O. Национальная академия национальной гвардии Украины
Keywords: dynamic power, aero-dynamic opiate, pitom dviguna power consumption, energy saving car


In addition, the energy of the Dvigun may be carried out at the start of the unproductive ministry of unproductive people in movement and transmision. Such a poddіd obezpechuє otrimannya high energy efficiency car. Early by compiling the method of a complex assessment, I will use energy efficiency of automobiles in congruence with the construction of power plants and the use of alternative fires in the uravuvannym of the living cycle of machines. However, the production needs of the Dvigun and I haven’t recommended recommendations for the car at the stages of the design of the car. For most of the active energy assessments, the Vitrata earlier was dictated by the author’s understanding of the “energy saving of the car” by combining the economy. Vinikla neobhіdnіst rozshirennya vіdomogo ponyattya ekspluatatsіynogo vlastivostі - palivna ekonomіchnіst vinikla in zv'yazku s appeared novih alternative energoustanovok (elektrodviguni, mahovikovі dvigun, gіbridnі energoustanovki that іn.) Shcho vimagaє inclusion in Demba vitrati not tіlki teplovoї energії Fuel type, and the second energії іnshih vidіv (electric, mechanical). The demonstration of energy efficiency of the automobile, so much more can be done for a change in the stock of energy energy in an hour of the year's progress. The нshim criterion is dictated by the vicorisovuvat to the magnitude of the magnitude, the tobtoh way, the prohidnyi avtomobilom p_slya vitrachannya mіrnogo k_lkostі energії Dzherela. In robots dosibіeno vibіr і obgruntuvannya pokaznikіv energy effektivnosti avtomoblja razhelom otsіnki vitrit energіі dviguna on yogo ruh. An analysis was made of the interaction of volunteers with energy indicators of dynamism and economics of cars.
