Сonsidering the question of the design of elastic clutch
The article deals with issues related to suppressing of torsional vibrations in transmissions using an elastic clutch. The original design of the elastic clutch is proposed, the use of which will increase its reliability and durability of operation. Torsional vibrations of the crankshaft occur when it rotates under the influence of periodically acting forces applied to the cranks. If the period of action of these forces coincides with the period of free oscillations of the crankshaft or is a multiple of it, then a resonance phenomenon occurs: the amplitude of torsional vibrations increases, and the shaft may collapse due to an increase in voltage. The engines are designed so that the resonance does not occur at a frequency of rotation corresponding to the operating modes of operation, however, torsional vibrations always exist. Torsional vibration damper, installed in some clutch designs, serves to protect the transmission from torsional vibrations that may occur in it due to uneven rotation of the engine crankshaft caused by its torsional vibrations. Traditionally, a rubber clutch has been used for damping torsional vibrations for more than half a century. The relevance of the study is due to the need to improve the design of torsional vibration dampers. The novelty of research is the formulation of a new approach to this problem. In connection with the above, the purpose of the research was to increase the reliability and durability of the elastic coupling. The torsional vibration damper (elastic clutch) installed in some clutch designs serves to protect the transmission from torsional vibrations that may occur in it due to uneven rotation of the engine crankshaft caused by its torsional vibrations. An original design of an elastic coupling for damping torsional vibrations, which has increased reliability and durability of work, is proposed.