Analysis of the conditions for the conversion from Safety-I to Safety -II in the road transport process in terms of the socio-technical system

  • Сакно Ольга Петрівна ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»


For most people, security means the absence of undesirable results, such as system failure or crash. Safety in general is defined as the quality of a system that is necessary and reliable in order to provide an acceptable number of events that can harm the participants in the transport process, the public or the environment.

In Safety-I, the starting point for vehicle safety management is either something went wrong (failure) or something has been identified as a risk. In both cases, the aforementioned "find and fix" approach is used. In the first case, by eliminating the causes, and then developing an appropriate response, in the second, by identifying hazards in order to eliminate them or contain them. Another solution is to prevent the transition from "operable" to "non-serviceable condition" (or failure) condition, whether it is due to a sudden conversion or a gradual "conversion to failure". This is achieved by limiting the operation of the vehicle in a "operable" condition, enhancing compliance and eliminating the shift.

The basis of Safety-I is the division of the car into its component parts. It is assumed that the "components" of the system can be in one of two modes, or function correctly (serviceable), or fail (non-serviceable condition).

As with most industries, the car is undergoing an ever-growing stream of changes and improvements.

Some changes arise in response to more powerful technologies, but others - in response to increased requirements for performance, reliability, quality, environmental friendliness.

Technical systems today are becoming more and more insurmountable. This means that their operating principles are only partially known (or, in more cases, completely unknown), that descriptions are designed with many details, and systems are likely to change before descriptions can be completed, which means that descriptions are always will be incomplete.

In order to improve traffic safety, it is very important to pay attention to measures aimed at eliminating the identified predominant risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of the level of accidents and affect the severity of the consequences of road accidents and include, works on monitoring the level of accidents in plans and makes recommendations for black spots.

Thus, Safety-I is elimination of the causes of fault conditions and dangers, and containing their consequences, Safety-II is ensuring the maximum possible conditions for successful results in the process of operating vehicles.
