Problems caused by the automation of bridge cranes

  • Свіргун Володимир Петрович НТУ "ХПІ"


With the development of microprocessor technology gradually began to use it on a variety of lifting machines.  In each case, the goal may be different. It is to improve the technical and economic performance of the machine, and improve the safety of work and working conditions of personnel operating them, can also be to increase the productivity of handling work and so on.  For some lifting machines, the transition to automatic mode is associated with significant difficulties, such as an aggressive operating environment, during the huge size of the machine itself, but the main obstacle to the use of microprocessor technology for bridge cranes is the flexible suspension.  This leads to significant oscillations of the load during movement and makes the task of aiming it at the target very difficult.  Therefore, there is a need to develop software for the microprocessor, which will not only move the load to the specified location, but also completely eliminate its oscillations after stopping the crane in automatic mode.  A significant difference between the control algorithms proposed by the authors is that a significant reduction in the time of the overload cycle is achieved, which will allow to reach the maximum performance of the crane.
