Modeling the Costs of Transportation Services for Urban Freight

  • Vojtov V. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. П.Василенка
  • Kutiya O. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. П.Василенка
Keywords: transportation process, mathematical model, urban freight, logistics center capacity, unit costs


The article presents the expressions for determining the total unit costs and the results of modeling the cost of urban freight. The total cost has three components. The first component depends on the fare, the length of the route, the weight of the goods carried, as well as the technical speed of movement, the frequency of receipt of service requests and the coefficient of reliability.
The second component of the specific costs depends on the number of vehicles in the outfit, the technical speed of movement, the total time of transport service, fuel consumption and its price, as well as the mass of the freight, mileage used, load capacity and reliability coefficient
The third component depends on the number of cars in the outfit, the total time of transport service, taking into account the increase in the time for handling, the initial cost of the car and the cost of maintenance and depreciation, as well as the mass of the freight and the coefficient of reliability.
The total value of the specific costs received is an economic criterion for choosing the optimal routes for transport service/
The simulation of the influence of various factors and operating parameters of the transportation process of urban freight traffic allows to state that the specific costs for transport service В, hrn./t, uniquely increase with increasing the length of the route, but, at the same time, have the optimum when changing the mass of freight. It is established that the optimum is influenced by the coefficient of use of the mileage and the coefficient of utilization of the capacity of cars.
The results of the degree of influence on the value of the unit costs of the coefficients of use of the mileage β and the coefficient of utilization of the capacity γ, the change of which occurs during freight urban transport, are presented. Reducing mileage from magnitude β = 1 to β = 0,5 increases unit costs by 1,13-1,22 times. Similar and dependencies that characterize the degree of influence of the coefficient of load capacity of cars on the unit cost .
Reducing the value γ from 1 to 0,5 increases the unit costs by 1,17-1,36 times. In this case, the increase in the length of the route increases the specific costs by 2,17-2,33 times, and the increase in the weight of the freight has the optimum, which is clearly expressed at γ = 1 and becomes less pronounced when decreasing γ from 1 to 0,5.
The role of the logistics center (logistics center capacity) on the specific cost of transport service is shown. Insufficient power of the LC increases the time of processing one application, which leads to an increase in the total unit costs. This leads to the conclusion that the capacity of the logistics center must be managed.
