Implementation information program complex in assessing the technical condition of a car

  • Volkov V. Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет
  • Gritsuk I. Херсонська державна морська академія
  • Volkova T. Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет
  • Gritsuk Y. Донбаська національна академія будівництва і архітектури
  • Volkov Y. Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет
Keywords: monitoring, technical condition parameters, vehicle, Information system, information program complex


The peculiarities of the technique of carrying out experimental studies of a vehicle using the information program complex (product) «IdenMonDiaOperCon« HNADU-16»» (Identification, Monitoring technical condition, Diagnosis, Operating conditions of the vehicle under ITS) are considered in the paper. The article describes the main monitoring operations in the implementation of identification, determining the parameters of technical condition, diagnosis, identification of the operating conditions of the vehicle by means of intelligent transport systems. With the help of the developed algorithms and obtained information of monitoring system, the means of transport infrastructure and road infrastructure facilities are used to study the monitoring of the technical condition of the vehicle in combination with monitoring and determining the conditions of operation. The main goal of the study is to ensure the operability of the existing information system and the interaction within transport and highways infrastructure of highways. The means of remote monitoring of technical condition parameters of the vehicle are used to read the values from standard sensors and working information from the vehicle control system. The functionally combined measuring, computational and auxiliary operations, which are designed to receive, transform and process the measured information in order to provide it with the functions of monitoring and identifying the technical condition parameters of the vehicle. The list of received signals from the sensors and engine systems has undergone algorithmic processing for the formation of message arrays. After receiving the information from all the sensors, an array of data from the on-board information complex has transmitted to the server using satellite navigation technologies. Then the information came to the monitoring center of the laboratory equipped with a computer with installed standard Internet browser, which output the received data on the monitor screen to the work desks of the information program complex.
