Spatial inhomogeneity of cavitation activity distri-bution and nonuniformity of cleaning the surfaces in ultrasonic bath

  • Tolochko N. K. Белорусский государственный аграрный технический университет, г. Минск
  • Cheledinov А. N. *
Keywords: ultrasonic bath, cavitation, agricultural machinery components, fruit and vegetable products, surface contamination, cleaning


The analysis of the results of experimental studies of the regularities of washing-cleaning treatment of agricultural machinery components and fruit and vegetable products in ultra-sonic bath is carried out, on the basis of which quantitative relationships between the inhomog-enity of spatial distribution of cavitation activity caused by the absorption of ultrasonic waves by the washing liquid, their interaction with the objects to be cleaned, and the formation of standing waves, and the nonuniformity of cleaning the surfaces of different simultaneously cleaned objects or different zones of the surface of the same object to be cleaned were deter-mined. Using these ratios it is possible to evaluate the degree of influence of the spatially inho-mogeneous distribution of cavitation activity on the cleaning nonuniformity and.
