Causes analysis of grain material damaging during harvesting and transportation

  • Babiy A. V. Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
  • Babii M. V. Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
  • Kuchvara I. M. Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Keywords: damaging, damaged, grain material, grains, harvesting, transportation, transport company, logistics scheme, deformation, speed, tension, pneumatic drive, conveyor


Development of Ukraine agricultural sector contributes to cargo transportation volumes increasing. Effective logistic schemes and productive systems of machines, which will ensure this, should be developed for the successful realization of the tasks set. Along with this in article the problem of transported material damaging is highlighted. Some statistical data on the percentage ratio of damaged material quantity in the stages of harvesting, after-harvesting and transportation are present. The problem of macro- and micro-damage is relevant and has a huge agricultural significance. In paper analysis of various theoretical and experimental approaches concerning mechanical properties of grain material determination is carried out. There from permissible values of the stresses of grain’s different parts are found for modeling the contact interaction of operating members, such as harvesting, cleaning, loading and unloading machines, etc. On the whole, the following conclusions were drawn from the research results. Percentage rejection of injury from normative reaches tenfold excess. Presented values of permissible stresses, critical collapse rates, destructive forces or transmitted to grain energy should form the basis for designing and assignment of kinematic modes for operating machines. Special attention should be paid to the operating of loading and unloading machines during transportation of the specified cargo. Here problem aggravation is due to the fact that the transport enterprises are not part of the production agricultural products, their function is to transport specified cargo. And the productivity of loading and unloading machines is at the basis of obtaining good economic indicators, through the time reduction to perform such operations. Therefore, here as a rule, an increase in productivity of machines is achieved by increasing the relative rates of operative members, which leads to increase in the number of damaged grains.
