System support of resource management of pneumatic tires of vehicles with the comprehensive approach to maintenance system

  • Sakno О. P. Військова академія, м. Одеса
  • Lukichov А. V. ДААТ
Keywords: car tires, program resource management, reliability, cost and maintenance


The program developed by authors is considered for the solution of important task –resource management of tires of vehicles on the basis of information about their useful life on an enterprise and virtual operating conditions. The optimum factors of operation of enterprises of motor-service are achieved at the cost of the improvement of planning of technical service of tires, optimization of shelf life’s and volumes of spare tires that decreases expenses on tires and is the element of the maintenance system. It is set that analysis and synthesis of statistical and experimental data and constituents of the maintenance system in general the informative field allows to carry out a resource management and reliability.
