Simulation of the oscillation damping systems valve vacuum regulator pressure
In this paper the mathematical models of vacuum pressure regulator valve damper systems. Powered solution of differential equations and finite equation modeling allow movement of the valve, depending on the amplitude and frequency of vibrations of vacuum pressure, weight load, the diameter of the valve, elastic springs, damper and membrane diameter hole in the diffuser cap regulator damping characteristics of the medium. An functions and graphs the amplitude and frequency of vibrations of vacuum pressure and simulation results move valve and vacuum regulators cargo pressure valve damper systems. The purpose of the work. Modeling structurally technological parameters of vacuum pressure regulator valve-damping systems. The amplitude of the movement of the valve depends on the damping factor 2n2 linearly. The maximum displacement of the valve depends on the duration of the open state of the valve. The maximum displacement of the damper valve regulator membrane Уmax= 8,736-8,889 mm with a coefficient of damping is 2n2 = 6,242-6,642, respectively membrane diameter dm=74-84 mm and diameter of the diffuser cap regulator ddf=1,7 and ddf=1,9 mm. Efficient movement of the damper valve regulator membrane 7-8,5 mm. Rational parameters of the regulator (Fig. 8): membrane diameter dm=84 mm (a) and dm=94 mm (b); the diameter of the diffuser cap regulator ddf =1,5 mm (a) and ddf =1,7 mm (b); bulk cargo, along with the design of the valve m = 5 H. For differential pressure regulator vacuum damping membrane, which is calculated on the fluctuations in vacuum pressure Δp=2,5 kPa in vacuum tube and pipe milk milking machines installations rational parameters are: the diameter of the damper membrane within dm=74-84 mm; the diameter of the diffuser cap regulator ddf =1,7-1,9 mm; bulk cargo, taking into account the weight of the valve m = 0,785 H. Increased weight reduces the load displacement valve, but the frequency of oscillation of the regulator valve increases. The frequency of oscillation of the regulator valve increases with increasing duration of presence of a pulse vacuum pressure. Fluctuations regulator valve springdamper system valve is damped. The amplitude of oscillation of the unit depends on the weight of load and pulse pressure vacuum.