Method of choice diagnostic parameters technical condition of vehicles based on the theory sensitive
Effective problem solving technical operation of vehicles is carried out through the use of new maintenance strategies, based on based control and optimization of processes and operation parameters. Informative base while optimizing performance are the reliability of systems and units of vehicles, which may evaluate them during the process of diagnosis. Selecting diagnostic parameters for assessing technical condition is an important technical challenge operation. The method of selection of informative diagnostic parameters based on the theory of functions of state sensitive technical objects. The functional system that has a function on the input of diagnostic parameters and technical state of recovery during maintenance operations, and the output function is implemented safety systems, vehicle unit. Using the theory to assess the sensitivity of the tool relative to the growth of argument provides an estimate sensitivity of diagnostic parameters with respect to the reliability of the system. Experimental and calculated data tabulated by which examines the technical condition KAMAZ - 4310, and given the relative sensitivity coefficients diagnostic parameters. An allocation schedule reliability sensitive function unit for vehicle diagnostic parameters change with mileage [0 ... 55] thousand km .. Analysis graphical display sensitive given the opportunity to choose the diagnostic option that best responds to changes in the technical system reliability.