Evgenievich Distribution of warm currents in the liquid cooling system diesel tractors "belarus"

  • Tarasenko V. УО «Белорусский государственный аграрный технический университет», г. Минск
Keywords: diesel, cooling system, heat flow, the heat capacity


The paper presents the results of an analytical investigation of the distribution of heat flows in liquid cooling systems, as well as the experimental data of the heat balance of diesel tractors "BELARUS", which allowed to determine the character set of heat release on the rated power mode, to assess the thermal loading on specific yet- indicators. Proposed use of specific heat ratio cooling systems of tractor diesel engines, the average value of which is 0,629±0,022 kJ/kW. The value of the coefficient of the specific amount of heat is recommended for heat load calculations of the cooling system. In diesel engines, equipped with jet-cooled piston group, the ratio of the specific amount of a heat of the cooling system by 13-16% compared with diesel engines without cooling piston.
