Optimization of the system of preventive activities when operating cars
Under the prevention means the complex of planned measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of failures, preserving the health and ensuring longevity. At the first stage of the car, the failure rate is relatively low and decreases with increasing duration of its work. Here there are failures due to technological defects. In the second stage, the rate of increase in wear is unchanged, and the failure rate remains constant. The third stage of operation is characterized by the fact that the wear of individual unit’s increases, and the failure rate increases. The current recommendations on preventive maintenance regimes provide for the frequency of maintenance, constant from the beginning of the vehicle operation to a certain mileage (service book) or until cancellation. The article discusses three methods that allow you to optimize the system of preventive measures in the operation of the vehicle in the third stage with increasing intensity. Method 1. Preventive maintenance is performed after trouble-free operation of a 0 l km mileage. If the failure occurred before 0 l, the service is performed during the time the fault was eliminated. The moment of the next prophylaxis is rescheduled. This method most effectively prevents failures from wear and tear and can be recommended for units that provide traffic safety. Method 2. Preventive maintenance is carried out after a total operating time of 1 l km mileage, regardless of the number of intermediate failures. When a failure occurs, the minimum required maintenance is performed. Method 3. In-depth preventive maintenance with the introduction of maintenance operations is performed after the k failure. In case of previous 1 k failures, only the minimum required maintenance is performed. The theoretical analysis of the modes and methods of organizing preventive measures indicates the need to adjust or change the existing technology for monitoring, maintaining and repairing automobiles.