Influence of technological parameters of the mixer on the energy matter of the process of mixing liquid drums

  • Kitun А. Учреждение образования «Белорусский государственный аграрный технический университет», г. Минск
  • Shved I. Учреждение образования «Белорусский государственный аграрный технический университет», г. Минск
  • Melnik V. *
Keywords: mixer, vane, research, manure, coefficient of heterogeneity, energy intensity


The most acute problem in livestock raising is the increase in the incidence of animals and the protection of the environment from pollution by air emissions and manure. Utilization and processing of liquid manure is one of the main problems encountered in livestock farms and complexes, using the hydraulic method of manure management. In the article researches of process of mixing of liquid manure in the closed manure storages are resulted.
