Numerical calculation of the mathematical model of the technological process of cleaning the sugar beet root crops heads from the remains of the gill

  • Golovach I. V. Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України
  • Dorogan O. P. Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України
Keywords: sugar beet, hitch, purifier, blade, force, differential equations, constructive parameters, numerical calculation


On the basis of the developed mathematical model of the process of cleansing sugar beet root crops heads from the remains of the hive according to the composite numerical cal-culations program in the Mathcad system, numerical calculations of the kinematic and struc-tural parameters of the elastic cleansing blade were performed, depending on the structural parameters of the blade cleaner, the physical and mechanical properties of the sugar beet root crop joint and conditions of not knocking out root beet root soil at their cleansing at the root. According to the results of these calculations, the graphic dependences of the angular velocity ω of the rotary motion of the elastic cleaning blade on the specified parameters of the cleaner are constructed. These parameters include the length of the blade 2l, which must be not less than 0.4 m, the velocity Vo of the translational motion, which must be maintained within 2.5 ... 3.0 m / s-1, the radius r of the drum must be 0,25 m, mass m of elastic shovel – 0.4 kg,power of combing Q – 90 ... 110 N
