Hydraulic testing device for car seats study

  • Vasiliev O. Полтавський національний технічний університет имені Юрія Кондратюка, м. Полтава
  • Shapoval M. Полтавський національний технічний університет имені Юрія Кондратюка, м. Полтава
  • Virchenko V. Полтавський національний технічний університет имені Юрія Кондратюка, м. Полтава
  • Rogozin I. Полтавський національний технічний університет имені Юрія Кондратюка, м. Полтава
Keywords: model of car seat with hydraulic drive, mathematical model of the stand, coordinates of the mass center, radius, speed


The presented article reveals the importance of improving the car seats design to prevent negative force factors that affect the health of a person during operation. The state of this problem is analyzed, the main criteria are determined, in relation to the improvement of automobile seats and ensuring their effective operation during the application of interchangeable dynamic loads on the human body. A new design of the stand for testing the car seats with a hydraulic drive in conditions close to the operational ones is offered. The bench for car seats test with a hydraulic drive, is able to simulate any operating conditions, so you can watch how the car seat will behave in this or that unforeseen situation. Consequently, the proposed design provides a convenient and efficient check of the car seat. Introduction to the hydraulic system helps to more accurately remove the necessary indicators and has a significant range of regulation. The article describes the conditions for the operation of each of the hydraulic cylinders during the tests. Means of seat deviation measuring the angles, devices for power regulation, controllers and devices of automatic control are added to the stand. The presented system reduces the time it takes to test the car seat while maintaining the accuracy of the test results. The car seat masses center movement depending on the influence factors of the inclination angle, the motion amount, the stand mass moving displacement is determined. The parameters that influence the movement of masses center depending on the spring stiffness are determined. According to these data, it is clear that the smaller the displacement of the seat masses center itself, the less negative impact will be on the person. It is also quantified which part of the energy acts on the displacement of the center of mass. The influence of impulses, which negatively affects both human health and the car seat itself, is analyzed. Therefore it is proved that the stand should be used to study the car seats that conformed to the technical documentation, DSTU and UNECE, because the health of the person depends on the car seat.
