Definition of technological states of systems of transport

  • Goryainov А. N. Харьковский национальный технический университет сельского хозяйства имени Петра Василенко, г. Харьков
Keywords: technological state, transport system, system element, subelement, transport technology, transport process, transportation process, transport characteristics


The scheme of the elements of the system of transport is presented. Directions for changing the states of the system of transport are identified. Systematized characteristics of the elements of the system of transport. The titles of states in the framework of transport diagnostics are proposed. The relationship of the form "transport characteristics - transport state" is defined. The structure of transport technology in the form of "a driver - a vehicle - a route" is highlighted. The general

view of the mathematical model of the state of the subelement of the system of transport is given. The concepts of "transport process", "transportation process", "transport technology" are structured.
