Simulation mode drying of dispersed materials in a continuous dryers kolinsky type

  • Kotov B. Вінницький Національний аграрний університет (м. Вінниця, Україна)
  • Kalinichenko R. Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України (м. Київ, Україна)
  • Spirin A. Вінницький Національний аграрний університет (м. Вінниця, Україна)
Keywords: heat and mass transfer, thermal drying, mathematical model, temperature field, the field moisture content


Post-harvest handling and storage of grain is an important step in the overall process of production of grain and not only quantitatively and qualitatively preserve their harvest, but also to ensure maximum profit from its sale at the most favorable market conditions. Thermal drying provides harvest storage, prevent its loss, and in some cases improves the quality of the finished product. The need for intensification and automation of technological processes of postharvest processing of grain requires the development of methods of mathematical modeling of processes of energy-intensive thermal drying. Determination and substantiation of optimum modes and parameters of the drying equipment to ensure the quality of drying is only possible with the use of mathematical modeling techniques. Heat drying is described by complex mathematical models of partial theory of heat and mass transfer. The analytical solution of the system of differential equations describing the heat and mass transfer in a thick layer of material at a still alternating mode is not received, so the work on the development of simplified analytical model concepts are extremely important because they allow the identification of interrelated heat and mass transfer in existing dryers. The aim of the research was to obtain formulas for the simplified design of the grain layer parameters and coolant in the direction of movement in the core dryer. The mathematical model of the non-stationary process of drying of the particulate material in a dense layer allow you to define the development of temperature and moisture fields in the layer of particulate material in a continuous settings that allows you to define the parameters and modes of drying facilities to ensure quality and energy-efficient process.
