Hygienic assessment of the influence of technical state of control system of humidity and temperature modes in greenhouses for production personnel

  • Savchenko L. G. Житомирський иаціональнальний агроекологічний університет
  • Minenko S. V. Житомирський національний агроекологічний університет
  • Savchenko V. M. Житомирський національний агроекологічний університет
Keywords: Greenhouse, temperature and humidity cjnditions, hygienic assessment, production personnel, technical condition of the systems


In the article complex hygienic researches of working conditions of production personnel of industrial greenhouses were conducted, the degree of harmfulness and danger of unfavorable factors of the working environment was assessed, the complex hygienic estimation of microclimate influence was assessed, the health condition of vegetable growers was studied according to the data of periodical medical examinations. The general hygienic estimation of working conditions of industrial greenhouses staff taking into account the influence of the complex of harmful factors of the working environment. According to periodic medical examinations, workers have been diagnosed with a disease in which germs can play an important role in unfavorable microclimate parameters. Studies conducted prove the need to develop and implement preventive measures to improve working conditions, as the result of technical condition climate control system. The prevent researches is a development of technical means for maintaining optimal microclimate when growing products of protected soil, and determination of the impact of technical condition of the systems onto the working conditions of production personnel of industrial greenhouses. The paper describes the problems of providing reliability and longterm use of technological machinery when growing products of protected soil. It proves that a special attention must be drawn to physical basics of formation of failures of greenhouses, due to their specifics, might form individual scientific challenges resolution of which would improve reliability of machinery. Prospects for further research is the influence of the technical state of the components of the automated control systems of microclimate, including evaporative cooling systems and additional humidity on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of products protected ground.
