Theoretical justification of the turn of a wide span tractor (vehicle) for controlled traffic farming

  • Kuvachov V. P. Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет
Keywords: wide span tractor, turn, kinematics, dynamic turnability


A new scheme of the turn of a wide span tractor (vehicle) is presented for controlled traffic farming on the turning strip. The turn of the tractor, according to the presented scheme, allows moving the tractor to the next working position with better kinematic parameters. In addition to it, the improvement of the turnability characteristics is achieved at such a design embodiment of a wide span tractor when the ratio of its wheelbase to the width of the wheeltrack is as small as possible. The obtained equations about the movement of the wide span tractor for the offered new scheme of the turn allow estimation of the impact of its design, performance, kinematic and power parameters upon the criteria of static and dynamic turnability. Correct choice of values of these parameters in terms of the required turnability ensures the movement of the wide span tractor on the turn in an optimal mode and minimises unproductive losses of energy and areas of the field under the engineering area.
