Field tests of advanced cultivator paws

  • Kozachenko O. V. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства імені Петра Василенка
  • Shkregal O. M. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства імені Петра Василенка
  • Kadenko V. S. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства імені Петра Василенка
  • Bleznyuk O. V. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства імені Петра Василенка
Keywords: paw of cultivator, test, wear, local strengthening, toothed blade, independent intensifying


The paper presents the results of experimental research in field conditions of advanced cultivar legs with a curvilinear form and a local strengthening of the blade. Field tests were conducted according to the developed method by comparing serial samples and experimental working bodies whose working surfaces are equipped with elements of local hardening with hard alloy material in order to form the tooth surface of the blade when wearing them, which is caused by the interaction of the friction surfaces with the abrasive soil environment. As cultivator legs, the upper and lower locally reinforced blades were used as research working organs. Field tests were carried out using working bodies in the form of cultivator units for continuous and interrow soil cultivation, the characteristics of which met the established requirements for performing operations on surface cultivation. The field studies of wearing of monometal cultivar paws with a rational profile of the blade have reduced the 1,7 times the linear value and 1,4 times the weight deterioration compared with the standard samples of the cultivar legs. The influence on the speed of wear of paws of the method of local strengthening of the blade has been established. Application of the lower local strengthening of the blade causes a decrease of 1,13 times, and the upper one – 2,0 times the value of linear wear compared to serial working bodies. The researches have established that in the course of wear, the surface of the blade of locally strengthened paws adopts a toothed profile. Comparative tests of serial and locally strengthened paws with the upper and lower strengthening of the blade have revealed that the value of wearing sock serial paw is 13,2 mm, and in experimental paws the value of wear is observed for a variant with a lower local strengthening of the blade – 12,9 mm. The smallest value of linear wear of a sock is characteristic for a paw with an upper local strengthening, which at a set time is 7,3 mm, which is 1,23 times smaller than in the first variant and 1,8 times smaller - with the second variant. The value of absolute linear wear of experimental samples of paws after the set time of 40 hectares is: for a serial sample - 4,25 mm; with a lower reinforcement of the blade – 2,41 mm and for a variant of the upper reinforcement of the blade – 2,05 mm. The top local strengthening of the blade provides a reduction in wear by almost 2 times compared with the serial sample and 1,13 times - with the option of lower local blade strengthening. It was established that in the process of wearing the surface of the blade of the experimental paw takes the toothed profile. Already after the development of 10 hectares per one paw there is a formation of the dentate surface and a more intense manifestation of such a pattern in terms of working time. The greatest value of weight deterioration at the time of the development of 40 hectares was obtained for a serial foot - 182 g, for experimental cultivar legs, this indicator, respectively, is: 114,5 g for the paw with the lower local strengthening of the blade and 98,5 g for an experimental foot with an upper local blade strengthening.
