Research of constructions of radio systems of graves tractors

  • Holotiuk M. Національний університет водного господарства та природокористування, м. Рівне, Україна
Keywords: crawler, improvement, construction, passage of tractor, traction characteristics


The article analyzes the directions of improvement of working systems of crawlers. The research comprises familiar constructive decisions and proposes main directions for further investigations. The work is devoted to the solution of the actual problem in the field of automotive engineering - improving the efficiency of the caterpillar drive of agricultural tractors by reducing mechanical losses in the hinges of caterpillars. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that a technique for studying caterpillar hinges has been developed and an assessment of the nature of the change in torque and the coefficient of friction in the tract-finger-tract system taking into account the real working conditions of the hinge during the operation of the tractor. A general analysis of the efficiency and power losses for friction in a caterpillar tractor is given. The substantiation of a choice of a caterpillar propeller is resulted, the process of external friction and design of caterpillar hinges of different types is analyzed. In addition, the most common equipment and stands used for the research of caterpillar hinges are given and a comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages is given to them.
