Research transition processes of pneumatic electromagnetic pulsator of pairwise action

  • Dmytriv V. T. Львівський національний аграрний університет
  • Lavryk Y. M. Львівський національний аграрний університет
Keywords: pneumatic electromagnetic pulsator, milking unit, indicator diagram, transition process, vacuum


In the case of a pneumatic electromagnetic pulsator of pairwise action, an analysis of the peculiarities of the work was carried out, on the basis of which the main design parameters are determined which influence the formation of alternating vacuum-pressure. The switching of the pulsator from the state is provided, which ensures the sucking time of the milking machine to the state that provides the compression cycle. The basic technological and design characteristics pulser which enable provision of milking apparatus according to the regulation of the cycles and phases of pulser indicative diagram milking cow. The systems of differential equations describing the dynamic processes in the device are analyzed. On the basis of the above analytical dependencies, the measure of the influence of constructive and technological parameters on the duration of different phases of the indicator diagram is established. It has been found out that in order to compensate fo r improper operation of the milking device, when the diameter of the calibrated hole is reduced, it is necessary to increase the diameter of the bypass. Indicative diagrams obtained by means of the solution of system levels indicating the nature of the influence of constructive dimensions on the time characteristics of the milking apparatus equipped with a pneumatic electromagnetic pulsator of pairwise action are given. Was analysed the duration of time of suction as one of the basic technological parameters of the machine milking, that was got as a result of construction of eye-diagram. Found impact the top and bottom valves on the indicative diagram. Particular paid attention to the transition process, phases "a" and "c" of the indicator chart pulser work. Grounded valve sizes in order to provide the phase relationship requirements. The diameter of the calibrated hole fo r supplying the vacuum pressure in the control chamber must be more 0.2 mm and in the same time it recomended increase to 0.4-0.5 mm. In this case we reduce negative influance of another parametr. All dimensions must be further refined in view of manufacturability and second order interactions. Analytical solution dependencies regarding vacuum pressure confirmed the possibility of completing the proposed pulsators with electromagnetic actuator in milking unit running by vacuum pressure within 40-52 kPa. Considered depending duration of cycles of sucking calibrated hole diameters to supply vacuum and atmospheric pressure in a control chamber. Was found that the diameter of upper and lower by-pass openings and vacuum pressure have the most significant effect on the length of the front and recession ofpulse of the eye-diagram Recommendations regarding the selection of major design sizes important elements in view of the technological features of production, minimize energy consumption and quality of the machine milking cows.
